The last few days have been filled with decluttering the house, cleaning, mopping, steam cleaning the carpets, washing windows and mirrors, and the inevitable... laundry and dishes. Luckily the girls have been over spending time with their dad for the most part, so not only did I have time to not just clean but work on decluttering, my mind has also been given the time to ponder a bit more then usual.
The subject today? Weight Loss. One may groan and roll their eyes, but it's a typical fact that most woman seem to be obsessed about. How much they weigh, what part of their body they'd like to slim down a bit, and how they just don't look like how they use to.... often comparing their now much older body to what they looked like as a teen, or even in their early 20's. One ages though, it's a fact of life, and unless you have some crazy hot manicured pop star body, topped with cosmetic restructuring, one's figure tends to change as you get older. Add pregnancy on top of it? Where a woman's body gets stretched to it's full extend, from her face, stomach, and down to her toes? Often times she's left with what looks like a finally released after many months stretched rubber band. And we expect such a rubber band to regain it's original look? Are we nuts?
But we do this. We buy into every gimic, trying every possible way to find that secret cure to weight loss, toning, erasing stretch marks, and the flabby baby tummy (think stretched rubber band).
This is me. Times 7. Well, I'm in the middle of my 7th pregnancy. No longer can I easily cross my legs anymore. My face looks like I sucked on helium, although no squeeky voice to send the children into hysterical laughter. My quickly expanding tummy gives me a lovely excuse for the waddle that I sport.
And I grin and say it's well worth it. I look at my stomach that has well given up attempting to hold any type of structured for. I look back on the body I had before #1, and the HOT body I held before #2, and smile looking at a photo of this body before #3, and chuckle how it all went south after that..... #4, #5, #6... and now #7.
So my mind was thinking today, is it possible to regain form and structure? I can sport my stretch marks with pride. But can I tighten the skin if weight was lost? If I give myself three years to loose weight, slowly building myself up and working on my muscle structure, eating habits, and everything else that builds to good heath... is it possible?
And I look forward to this. Maybe I can be one fit, hot looking, post birthing children mama, and spunky fit sexy newly back in the dating world 50yo :P If my sanity holds after raising my children. Otherwise I'll die happily as a crazy old woman with her crazy bird and herd of horses :)

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