Dear Emily -
You've turned in to the cookie monster when it comes to food. Just a couple days ago your dad and I were talking about starting you on food - I welcomed him to choose your first real food/meal and enjoy the pleasures of feeding it to you. Maybe I have an alterior motive with that offer... the ability to take lots of great "baby food everywhere" pictures, and you thoroughly enjoying it without a mother working to keep you all clean. You SHOULD enjoy it! :D
I wonder what he'll choose, he found a wonderful website to refer to!
http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/ There looks to be some pretty wonderful information including suggestions and recipes!
You started off with tasting a cucumber with Aunt Sam was here, and then tasting a sweet potato I was eating roughly a week ago. A few days ago you tasted oatmeal, your eyes just loving it! Yesterday you were making googly eyes at Jen (who you normally cry around) and grunting, begging for a bit of what she was eating. And she complied, and gave you a taste of her eggs.
Jonah was just holding you and you attacked his cup, taking a sip of his soy milk - - you were actually drinking from a cup. My dear, that's not typical for a not.even.5mo.child. I went to give Jonah a bit of bread I was eating and your eyes about popped out as this bread went in front of you to his mouth, LOL I did take off a teeny piece for you.
You have such a desire to start eating food, and I'm holding off. I had hopes that you'd wait until 6mo. You still may, but at this rate I doubt it. You act like you're going to engulf the spoon and the bowl - you left your brother laughing as he was watching you :)
I can only refer to you as Cookie Monster.... wonder if you'll be like the hampster below.... always remember to take small bites and chew your food completely, it's polite.... Just don't act like mommy who has to engulf her own food on the run :P