Every day you're changing more and more. Every day is nothing less than a miracle to spend with you and watch the next step in your development. You now have two teeth that are becoming more obvious every day. You're rolling over so easily, and army crawling now. You are so close to fully crawling! You've been drinking more from your sippy cup (although I don't give it to you too often), and loving food. You enjoy your baby food but still prefer adult food.... although cant say I blame you too much :)
Your sisters have been doing a remarkable job watching and playing with you so I can take a shower, but it's hard for me to hear you cry if you're not happy so showers are still a jump in and jump out.
I am so excited about your future sibling Emily, an excitement that seems to grow every day. Will he or she be like you? Will s/he be as happy and smily? You are such a dream come true, and because of you your brother or sister will make it here too. Life is incredible. You are incredible!

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