You have without any doubt, found your feet. They are a-movin'! You want to walk everywhere you can, and are so proud of yourself.
Today you and I kept Jennifer and her kids company while she ran a long distant errand for her husband. The stop, to pick up something for the tractor. Not only did you walk through the store, but then walked over to the tractors that were lined up. You held my hand part way... you are just so cute!
This evening, Emily, you made me laugh. After arriving back home we drove your sisters to the store to get a treat. I walked around to your side to get you out of the car and "HIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!" is what you yelled when I opened the door, haha. You pet a persons dog at the store, an old employee who has known you since before you were born. Inside the store, as you walked on your own, you grabbed some hand soap and announced that THIS was what you wanted. I grinned inside while watching you following me using your newly found legs. You had a few admirers who you also left with a little chuckle :)
I love you Emily. Every day you touch someones life. Whether it's a retouch of my own, your siblings, or your friends.... you touch someones life. Today you leaned forward and gave me the sweetest kiss. I feel so blessed to be able to experience all you have to share each and every day :)

The two sisters who love you to pieces!