My little 3mo blessing, Emily
There are a handful of different ways this gift can be given, but I have been so dearly blessed to help give this gift in the form of a child - a dream come true - for a very special friend. An experience that I remember every day, a birth that is etched in to my memory. I remember so many tears of deep ache, as she longed for a child she doubted would ever be.
Cassidy Anne was born a little over three years ago, delivered by her moms hands while the midwife watched over. A little blessed, a little dream. For Cassidy to be able to make it here, not only did I give a part of myself (egg) but also gave Cassidy a home to grow in for nine months. As if it was yesterday, I remember that positive test and being able to tell her mom that her baby was on her way. When she found out that her baby was a little girl. When she gave Cassidy her first bottle and Cassidy fell back asleep with a happy and full tummy. The moments that her mom entrusted me with, as I spent alone time with Cassidy the day after she was born, last nursing before she went home, and my first visit (her first Christmas) where I slept in her room and wrapped all my love around this most dearest and loved child.
So much of what I learned I've been able to pass on to Emily's dad. Remembering how special that time alone was after Cassidy was born, I left Emily sleeping with her dad the day after she was born while I went in to town to get my son. Time, how precious time meant to me... how I wanted to pass that on. I experienced how much pictures meant to me, and with that memory passed many pictures over to her dad as I could. I loved hearing experiences Cassidy was having, funny moments, the laughter and challenges her mom was going through... and so I passed just the same on to Emily's dad too, and share with him all I can.
I thank him every moment I look at Emily. Every moment I feel an overwhelming amount of love as I look at her sleeping, as her hand grasps my finger, as her eyes look in to mine, and as she smiles and laughs. I thank him. He has blessed our family with the most amazing gift I could ever imagine, a part of himself so Emily could make it here. I feel so honored, so thankful. Each time I hug her in my arms and her hand against my cheek, my heart hugs him and thanks him for the entire world he's handed to us..... and to himself, his parents, his family, and his friends.
Emily, you are so loved. So very loved by so many.

Cassidy, with her mom

Cassidy, with my daughter Katie (her sister)

Cassidy, walking Katie to her first day of Kindergarten