Dear Emily ~
Today was an amazing day with your dad. We went and watched Avatar in 3D - it was amazing. Your brother was so excited when your dad called and gave the invite, he was squealing :) The 2D one is brilliantly made, 3D made it even more incredible. I wonder if when you're old enough to read these entries, if they will have made sequels or if it will be just as desired of a movie as it is now.

You really enjoy your time with your dad - there is a sense of knowing who he is, but seem to still prefer to remain in my arms. He is wonderful and rolls with what is comfortable for you, never leaving you feeling uncomfortable and without ever showing disappointment. I wonder if he realizes how wonderful this has been for you and your emotional security. As he does this, your security in yourself when you're not with me grows and your own confidence in yourself grows too.
Today I nursed you, and handed you to your dad after you were asleep. I sat there.... watching you and him together. One moment in particular, you woke fussing after I handed you to him and he adjusted you so you were comfortable and you fell back asleep. Your faces were close together, and I looked at you. At him. At both of you together. The shapes of your noses, ears, colors of your skins... noticing all the similarities that the two of you shared.... and the love that so clearly radiated from him. Behind my dark glasses I hid the overwhelming emotion of love that came in quiet tears.... I am so thankful for how much he loves you, and how much he wants to be with you. Watching the two of you, I felt what I have felt many times before... a wave of deep love and appreciation for the man who helped to give you life - a part of himself so you could make it here. A man who so openly loves you, and is so proud of you.
You spent a good part of the afternoon in his arms. I loved watching the two of you together, and the peace you felt especially when you snuggled in to his shoulder.
After we dropped your dad off at home and were pulling away, your brother commented on how how sees how much love your dad feels for you in his eyes. It's heart warming to watch, and very humbling to be in the middle of.
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