Emily fell asleep as normal, and I placed her in her papasan bouncer - her first falling asleep place before she's brought in to bed with me. I ended up quite late talking her her dad online about dreams, the roll a fathers love can play for a child, benefits of nursing, tredmills, and other subjects. I enjoy our talks, their always educational. I finally climbed in to bed at 4am, Emily hadn't woken up yet. I thought for sure that she would soon, but when I woke for good at 7:30am, she was still sleeping. I had enough time to stretch and pump before she finally woke up.
Her first time.
I give credit to this lovely thumb of hers that she finally found. So far she uses it wonderfully - usually to sooth herself back to sleep when she's half awake. That must have been what she did last night.
I watch her in wonder. Something that seems so little to some, but so preciously big to me. I am proud, so very proud.

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