Thanksgiving day, out for a walk
Dear Emily~

Life with you is nothing less then a miracle every single day. Granted, each child in the world brings a miracle with them at every moment, but you - you are Emily! And you, you are a blessing to this world, to your brother and sisters, to your grandparents, to your dad, and to me and my heart who has held you close every moment I can. You are incredible and beautiful, and amaze me every single day.
You love food, oh how you love food! You see a spoon and your eyes about dart out of your head, and you're ready to try anything that's offered. The only thing I've found so far that you want nothing to do with is plain.old.rice cereal. The only thing that has ever caused you're hand to fly and smack the spoon as you whip your head the other direction. So, we mix it in with other foods.
Changing your diaper has become quite the fun feat. Just as the diaper is undone, you want to reach for whatever is... over there! Or there.. or over that way! Twisting your cute little body ~ as adorable as it is, it makes it very difficult to line the diaper up and revelcro it again. But we make do :)
You are patient and rarely cry still... that is unless I'm not in eyeshot and you want me NOW! Your poor dad, he is such a good sport. He rolls with it all and knows you mean the best with your screaming for mommy. You're getting so much better though! I am proud of you. I do look forward to when you dance off to his car and wave bye~bye to me. I feel in my mommy gut that you are going to soon love every moment you can spend with him :)

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