I've tried to start this entry to you a few different times and end up deleting what I type. I can't seem to express in words what I want to share with you.... the feeling I felt tonight just watching you sleep in my arms. You are so incredible, so amazing. Every day feels like a miracle, the gratefulness I feel to be able to have you in my arms.... to be able to touch your little fingers, run my fingers over your strands of hair, kiss your ears, watch you smile and roll around. You are a miracle, a little blessing.
Today your dad came to see you. There's so many things about him that I hope as the years pass you're able to learn from. He understands the value of wholesome foods, as well as the wisdom in financial savings. He researches and speaks with knowledge. He is compassionate and kind, even towards those who don't believe the same direction he does. He is a good friend towards others, and I have no doubt that he will be a good father for you to lean on for guidance and love as you grow.
He was talking today about the strength the women in his family hold, and mentioned you may be like them too :)
You are starting to look outside the small bubble around you and I, and notice others without crying. You're observing without clinging to me at the same time. It was neat to watch you with your dad today, although I do look forward to when you reach the stage to where you can play on his lap and with him and feel secure. The time is coming. You've only recently started playing with your siblings for longer periods of time so I can take a shower or start a load of dishes.
Right now you're asleep behind me - you've grown so much and seem to be going through a growth spurt right now. The purple pajamas you're wearing say 12mo... you're not THAT big, but it does fit comfortably on you.
I'm watching you breathing, and your fingers twitching occasionally. I am so thankful for you Emily, you are such a blessing to your entire family.
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