There have been so many special events with Emily's growth happening, it's been so incredible. Every day is like a new adventure, filled with new experiences as I watch this amazing little girl experience a new day. Just as wonderful has been how much I want to share these events with her dad, so out comes the phone and a text of the new exciting event :)
Emily is now eating solid baby foods - I haven't so much been following the recommended time frames for food introductions, but rather have been listening to my intuition as to what she's ready for and how much. She loves food, which is cute, but no doubt will become a little frustrating as she gets older so soon the time will come where I'll have to work on matters. She does well, but leaning over to lick my cup of tea as I'm trying to drink it, or grab the same cup I'm trying in a grocery store, isn't necessarily considered polite. The time will come to guide her in how to say please and ask for a taste of something... without her tongue wrapping around it to indicate she wants a taste too, lol.
Emily sat up for the first time yesterday! I was getting ready to go and had her sitting on a friends couch next to me, and there she was, holding herself up with her hands and grinning all proud like. I just watched her, smiled, and talked all proud like to her - she babbles back as if she knew exactly how cool this new development was. Oh Emily, you are just so darn cute!!
An event happened yesterday that left me just as equally proud, if not more so. I am working to raise my milk supply for the two other babies I pump for and needed to stop at the local health food store to pick up Fenugreek and Marshmallow Root. I needed Blessed Thistle too but couldn't find it in any of the brands. I sent Jonah to grab someone to help, and the lady that came around the corner seemed exasperated as she answered that it would be right where I was if they had it - and tried to search for it too. We found it in another products but I needed it on it's own (to raise milk production it compliments fenugreek).
She took a moment to say hello to Emily, and as she did the tension lightened. Emily smiled at her and she smiled back, "Quite an active tongue you have there!" she said to Emily. Emily laughed, and she laughed too. She put out her hand and Emily put her hand on top of hers - she covered it and showed it to her, covered it back up again (if a baby can't see something it's nonexistant) - and Emily looked down at her hand and grinned and pulled it out and put it back on top of her hand again. I was impressed as I watched this interaction, but what happened next amazed me the most.....
The lady put her hands together, closed her middle fingers down, turned her hands and wiggled her middle fingers. Emily was bewildered and watched her do this a few different times and then looked at her own hands and gripped her hands together to make one big fist. She repeated this a few different times. Emily clearly knew what she was trying to do, and she also knew that what this lady was doing wasn't something typically done with hands - and she was going to try it! :)
This picture was taken today - Alyssa wanted to try on Emily's swimming suit that she found hanging in the closet. It was a quick candid picture, "Smile Girls!" *hearts*

And for the wondering minds... Emily has yet to have her first tooth pop through, but it's coming! She has quite the bump under her gums (her bottom left), a tooth workings it's way towards the surface to sparkle for all to see :)
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