Precious little one, 27 weeks 6 days
It's such a beautiful day here today. The sun is shining, occasionally going behind passing spots of clouds. As I type this entry, I am looking out over the top of the computer screen and out the window, watching Jennifer ride Pheobe. I continue to feel so much thanks for what I have in my life.
The little life inside of me seems to grow more each day. Usually he's so quiet, but there are moments when he's full of life and makes himself known from inside his secret world. I love feeling him move, adjust his position, give little bumps and taps. Often times I find myself reaching down to cup this not-so-little-bump and saying, "I love you baby". And how much I do.
I noticed last night in my thoughts, that I am relaxing on the hold of, 'I don't want this all to end yet', and settling into peaceful thoughts of when this baby's birth time comes. I look very forward to that moment of when he is born and I hold him in my arms for the first time. Seeing the kids and their reactions. Jonah so proudly states to others, "My moms pregnant! I'm going to be having a baby brother or sister in June!" I still don't want to know if it's a boy or girl, loving this magic of the unknown, and with that I wonder to myself how that moment is going to be for everyone.... when we look and see what gender of child has been blessed into our family.
Walking into our forest, I see the spot I'd like to deliver and look up - under the sky, surrounded by trees, and wonder if being able to deliver that way will happen or not - or if I'll be inside. Only time will tell when the moment comes. Either way is ok.
I've been looking for different things for this child.... clothes, stroller, carseat, swing.... and finding that whether or not s/he's a boy or a girl, I am leaning towards gender neutral items. It's so strange to be looking for baby items... this baby really is coming!

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