Since moving to Washington, I wasn't sure where a nice camping place next to the ocean would be and so I stalled in going. A few weeks ago a friend, Charis, suggested that we all take a trip there with a few of our families and camp. A final trip to see off the summer before school started for our children. As much as I wanted to go, I found myself hesitating the night before. All the things I could be getting done at home during the weekend, but alas I found myself loading up in to the van the next day. Well stuffed with people and items, we headed out.

I couldn't wait to get down to the beach, to feel the water - to hear and see the waves. To cross from the path from the campground, to the path to the beach, you had to take a ferry across a fresh water stream. All the kids loved it, including the dogs! There was a bridge a little ways off we could have taken, but why, when the kids got such enjoyment watching us adults trying to balance and not get wet in this little ferry boat?

The sand was quite soft, softer then I've ever experienced walking on before. It was quite the workout, but enjoyable too... when shoes were off. To sink and feel this sand under your feet. Where the tide came up, the sand was squishy also! While trying to drawn a heart for Emily, my foot sank down in to the sand.

For the first part, Emily slept. I stood there with my eyes closed, listening to the ocean, feeling this cherished dream baby against me - kissing her head - and felt such thanks.

We ended up back up at the campsite after a while, and Emily fell asleep. The sun was setting, and I felt the draw to be on the beach when it set. Unfortunately, although we hustled (yes, I ran with sleeping baby in arms), some teens were at the ferry goofing around. We were able to get across eventually, but just barely missed the sunset. That's ok though, it was lovely to just be there :)

After the sun went down, we worked our way back to camp. Emily, was still asleep - she seems to sleep through anything! She eventually woke up and joined in with us on a game of charades - not like she could take a turn, but she was imitated by one of the players :D

She slept incredibly well for camping, and a new environment! She woke up once at 5:30am, to be hooked up to nurse, and then fell back asleep. Her final wakeup for the day was at 9:30am. What an excellent sleeper. She definitely earned the right to go camping again, soon!

She slept incredibly well for camping, and a new environment! She woke up once at 5:30am, to be hooked up to nurse, and then fell back asleep. Her final wakeup for the day was at 9:30am. What an excellent sleeper. She definitely earned the right to go camping again, soon!
After breakfast, and following our campsite being loaded back up in to the van, we headed back down to the beach. What heaven. We all agreed that we should have planned for two nights and three days. Next year :)