Today as I held you, ran my fingers over you, and kissed your little head, tears overwhelmed me again. I am so in love with you, Emily. Your spirit is incredible. I've been trying to think of words to explain the type of person you feel to me, and all I can come up with is to close your eyes and imagine being gently embraced under the warm sun. I love holding you and having you close. Today in the store you charmed the cashier with your talking and smiles. You melt my heart, my little one.
Yesterday was a busy day for us! You visited your first water park, as we got together with a few friends for a BBQ. It's a simple park close by. You weren't too sure of the spouting water - although you love showers, not cold ones! lol -
Yesterday we visited "Julie's Beach", and you felt your first cool water envelope your feet and legs. You weren't too sure of it at first!

One of the sweet things you do, is wanting to hold something in your hand. When you're on my shoulder you tend to grab my shirt and pull yourself close. When you're nursing you hold on my shirt and hold it close to your face. As you slept in my lap yesterday, you held on to my thumb. You have quite a grip too! I wonder if you'd enjoy a little soft blanket to hold on to?

Following the water park we headed out to the next town over to see a friend. This was your second time with your feet really in the sand, and you LOVED it! You just watched your little feet and dug your toes around. You amaze me.
Auntie Kate, and she delightfully dubbed herself and I'm holding her to it, took you down to the river so she could put your feet in... another first for you. You weren't too sure of the COLD water! LOL

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