Dear Emily -
Every day you leave me catching my breath with the overwhelming amount of love I feel for you, that I can't even come close to putting in to words. You are incredible and amazing, and more then I ever dreamed of. Each night as I fall asleep I look forward to the morning time when I watch you open your eyes, look at me, and grin this adorable toothless grin. And each morning as I am blessed to experience such a powerful sweetness, I think of your dad and when he'll be able to experience the same, as he watches you wake up in the morning.
You still don't care for your carseat too much, or riding in the car - it's one of the few times that you cry, and it breaks my heart. I reach back and stroke your hair, touch the side of your face and ears, and hope that it brings you some sort of comfort... to know that you haven't been left. It does seem to help. I have started to learn that if I nurse you before putting you in your carseat it really does help.
I have started leaving your carseat in the car most of the time, choosing to unbuckle you and carry you in to where we're going. I love the feeling of bringing you out of the carseat and on to my shoulder, kissing your head and telling you how amazing and wonderful you are - beautiful and incredible. And you so really are. You tend to grab my shirt and pull yourself closer, leaves my heart skipping with love all that much more :)
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