Tomorrow marks 12 weeks since you came in to this world and blessed so many of us. You are amazing Emily. Your smile, which you freely give to so many people, leaves them smiling too.
You've just begun to squeal, and on occasion will let out a giggle. You bring laughter to this family every day. You are so beautiful and perfect, so absolutely amazing. My heart melts each time I look at you, your eyes sparkle with this beauty that words can't match. Although you usually spend the first part of your night sleeping in your papasan bouncy seat, I look forward to you asking to be brought in to bed. I love having you close. I love waking up with you in my arms, having you sleep against me, and every possible moment I can spend with you.
One of my favorite joys is sharing all I can with your dad. When he's around you, and when he talks about you, you can see all the love he has for you. All the pictures I send, he puts on a website so your grandparents can watch you too. They too, love you so much Emily.
What an amazing blessing you've been.
As each day passes, I feel like it's passing too fast. You're growing up. You're starting to push yourself up when you're on your stomach, and you're getting closer to rolling over. When I say this, it all seems like you're so young - which you are - but the days seem to be passing by so fast and with it you're growing quicker then my camera can capture.
Before you were born I had hopes you wouldn't grow up too quickly. I don't tend to give you "tummy time" like professionals say to give to build muscles.... I feel that you have many months and years to do that. I don't put you down and leave you to cry, as some say I should with thought that you should learn to comfort yourself.... I feel you have many years to learn that. I instead hold you often, am right there when you need comfort, tell you how wonderful you are, and follow with kisses. You rarely ever cry (with exception to the carseat). My hope, is to never look back and wish I had done something different.
You're almost three-months old. Wow. You were born ahead of your age, but sweet Emily, please don't grow up too fast :)
I love you, so very very much :)

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