I feel very blessed to have two girls that love Emily more then anything. Whenever possible she asks to hold Emily and spend some time with her. This occasionally is difficult for me since when I hand Emily over Emily begins to cry.... the whole "I need to be with mommy" stage that she's in right now. But then there's other times where she LOVES the interaction with Alyssa. I am thankful - so thankful. Emily has two of the best big sisters she could ever hope for, and two big sisters who love her tremendously :)
Emily smiles more then any baby I've ever met. When she was inside, at the 4D ultrasound she was grinning - the one that stands out to me most was when she grinned as I laughed. She does the same thing now. She continued to grin the day she was born, and since. She grins when she firsts wakes up and sees you, and any other time she catches your attention. She is such a happy baby! I hope that all I give her emotionally, she'll continue to feel happy, safe, and content.
We visited the beach again yesterday. The other three kids love to play in the water, and Emily really loves to do anything that's outside. Although she's put her feet in the sand before and enjoyed it, she really showed enjoyment yesterday as she pushed her feet around in the sand and watched them. She must be just starting to hit the stage of realizing she has feet - although, I've always touched them, played with her toes, kissed them...... she's started to grab by face with her feet. It is SO precious!

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