You're nine-weeks-old today. As I type this you're asleep on my chest with your head buried against my neck. We just got out of the shower, one of my most enjoyable times with you. I quickly shower and then sit on the floor and bring you in with me. I love sitting there with you, holding you close, talking to you, and just enjoying that quiet moment where all that can be heard is the sound of the water. Tonight I watched you briefly sleep in my arms as the water ran over you, and thought about how you were curled up inside of me not too long ago. As you woke you kept raising your foot up to the water - feeling that the sole of your foot was too sensitive to the falling water, you changed angles with it but kept raising it up. Sitting you up, I talked to you - you smiled and "talked" back - just the two of us together. I watched the beads of water run over your face, your tongue catching what came off your lips, and watched you make purposeful actions such as pushing something away and rubbing your eyes.
And now, here you sleep. My fingers brushing along the bottom of your feet, your toes curling and grabbing my finger as I pass by them. My chin rests over your soft head, with occasional kisses and breathing in that most amazing baby smell.
Oh Emily... ever day I fall more and more in love with you. I still continue to experience those tears of deep thanks to your dad, every time I look at you I think of him. I don't really ever expect this to go away, nor do I think I want it to. I am so thankful. And thank you to you also, my beautiful little one, for choosing me as your mom. I love you so much.

8 1/2 Weeks
** For eight weeks, Visit with Aunt Karen
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