*So excited to be heading out to play!*
Dear Emily -
These last few days have been filled with so many challenging emotions, I've found myself just hugging you and being so thankful for your existance. You are loved, so very much. Loved by so many people, all over the world. From China, to England ~ Alaska, to the East Coast. What would life be like without you? Every day I have felt such deep thanks for your existance, to every stone along the path that fell in place for you to be here.
Today I was talking to my mom, and you continued to babble away. I swear through the babble I hear words, and you clearly know what you are saying and what I'm asking. You are so smart, every day you do something new and every day you leave me even more in awe, and wondering what the next day will bring. I continue to wonder if you will really become what Patricia has said you'd be from the first day she met you... an international business woman between the US and China. I think I have that right. You are strong, confident, and so darn smart, you could be anything your heart dreams of becoming.
The challenges that are being faced around you right now bring such deep sadness and pains to the heart, but seem so small compared to the blessings of you being here. I wonder what those challenges will be like a few years from now, but whatever is to be will be ok.
Right now you're curled up on my lap nursing, so very close to twilight dreams that you might as well be considered asleep. Before you fell asleep you stopped nursing occasionally to reach up and give me a kiss. Heart melt. I don't think I could ever say "I love you so much", enough.

*Beautiful dragonfly that came in to the car for a moment before leaving*
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