Dear Emily ~
Today we spend the day out at Donida Farms, taking pictures of a couple riders while they competed in their classes. It was a very early rise for us, and you ended up sleeping along the way. This first picture was taken as soon as I woke you up and put you on my back. You still look a bit groggy :)
You were so patient today, as your usual loving self as you reached out to touch different horses. Wingman, one of the horses we were taking pictures of, you asked to hold his reins when I held and led him. At one point we were standing next to him and he blew hard, blowing your hair backwards. You giggled, and I couldn't help but laugh. Loud horse whiney's and snorts don't bother you at all, many kids are usually scared of such loud noises coming from a big animal, even adults sometimes are! Not you though.

Tomorrow we may be going back. I watched the show today, and some of the little kids riding, and wondered to myself if you'll have the passion to be out there and showing one day too. Your big brother showed back when he was little, the little pony Sierra that you rode yesterday - tomorrow one of his high point show pads is being used for another horse. Both of your sisters have taken the initiative to be out riding more, and both have the passion also (although neither have showed yet). You show the natural love for horses, I wonder in what direction your love for them will take you? Just watching them? Drawing them? Riding them here at the house, or showing? I wonder. Hopefully I can always support whatever your dreams are, whatever they may be and wherever your interests may take you in life.
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