I think the time has definitely come where I need to set aside time specifically for you to spend with Sierra. Sierra, who has floated from Jonah, to Alyssa, and to Katie, will soon enough be your pony. Today you spent time with her brushing and leading her. Only once did you yell in fear and concern, and that was when towering above you was this muzzle/mouth that was a bit on the concerning side to you.

You have entered this interesting stage, it sure seems like a two-year-old phase. Most especially when you're tired! I can work with this new way of expressing yourself, I just hope you never loose your strong confidence and being. You are brilliant and amazing!
Today we ended the day picking blackberries to freeze. You love to help, love to pick and place in my container. I need to get you one of your own, a plastic one, since glass jars don't fair too well with little helping hands. But, you picked away and loved dropping them in the container, and would ask if I could give you the ones I picked for you to drop in also. You're quite the adorable one.

One of the things I appreciate most about your personality, is although polite and asking for permission for things, you also are independant and a "do it myself" type of child. You problem solve and come up with solutions, rather then expecting someone else to do it for you. You think and find an answer. It continues to amaze me :)
She looks so calm with the horses. And so stinking cute in that hat. Love it.