Dear Emily -
Today you keep catch me by surprise. I look at you and I feel a moment of shock - you're here! Even when picking you up to nurse just a moment ago, I felt this overwhelming feeling of pride, love, gratefulness and thanks. You are beautiful (something I don't think I'll ever be able to say enough), and blessed in to our family to raise in this lifetime. Thank you, Emily.
Today I dressed you in another outfit that your dad bought you. You are so darn cute!! I am such a penny pincher, something I hope you'll gain the value of, but it's so nice to have some extra cute and new clothes to dress you in. Something that was bought just for you :)
So I gave in to something I swore I wasn't going to do, the pacifier. You have such a need to suck all the time, and if you weren't in my arms you felt agitated. It happened when I felt my chest needed a bit of a break from comfort nursing, and I really needed to take a shower while Alyssa held you. You gummed this plastic thing with the funniest look, but then seemed to enjoy it. It came in handy in the car, as well as when we were at your brothers parent/teacher conference.
Have I mentioned how CUTE you are enough?? Never :P
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