13 Days Old

14 Days Old

My sweet beautiful angel girl
Dear Emily ~
Two weeks have passed since you came in to this world. It's been an amazing two week. Two weeks of holding you, watching your sisters kissing you, introducing you to others, seeing the pride in your dad.... and just looking at you. I still find myself stunned that you're here - going about my normal activities, looking down at you and thinking, "OMG, you're here!!!" as your beautiful big dark eyes look up at me.
I often still feel as though I'm in a dream. I have wanted you for so long - so very long - that it seems almost unreal that you really are here and in my arms now. You are such a dream come true Emily, and so deeply loved. Not just by me, or your siblings, or even your dad.... but so many friends and family.
You haven't had too many challenges. You still aren't too thrilled with your diaper being changed, willingly letting me know your opinion on THAT. You've also had some LOVELY blow-out diapers that have left Jennifer and I working as a team to change you and keep the diaper contents from ending up on your little kicking feet or on us.
You've spit up a few times, but usually when an air bubble has gotten caught behind your meal. I've learned not to give you a bottle while you're in the carseat. Tonight you spit up for the first time when you were in my arms after nursing, before I burped you. I am thankful this is a rare thing, meals are best left in your tummy :)
The most heartbreaking sound is to hear you cry. Tonight when driving home from town to drop Jennifer off, you started crying. Your requests are so kind and polite, that if it turns to a cry it's a heart breaking heart crushing sound that it leaves us moms just wanting to cry ourselves. The only peace I felt was that your little sister, Katie, was right next to you talking to you so you weren't all alone. I made it home, and in to my arms I gathered you and smothered you with kisses. I love holding you close.
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