My email was temporarily shut down a few days ago, which deleted my blogs. Much to my relief, once my email was fixed my blog also reappeared complete and whole. Hopefully that is a first that will NEVER end up being repeated!

Nothing seems to be as exciting of a first for a mom to watch a dad do, as.... change his first diaper. Emily's dad has always been excited to try anything and everything offered - before changing his first diaper I wanted to wait for her cord to fall off. Well, today was the day since it fell off that morning! I have never seen a father change his first diaper so tenderly, it was heart melting! Such comfort he gave with one arm, while tenderly wiping with the baby wipe in the other hand. To make matters even more fun for him, as he finished with one diaper and placed the other in place, she went to the bathroom again, LOL. He didn't cringe or wither, just went back to cleaning Emily back up all over again. AWW!!
A first - to leave your new little one in someone else's arms while you drive away from the property. Not the easiest feat! Jennifer came to watch Emily for me, and my other children, while I drove a few towns away to pick up a futon for Jonah. I was... childless. The drive was quiet. On my way home I found myself with mixed emotions, between, "I want my baby!!" to "OMG, it's peaceful... quiet... I'm CHILDLESS!! I like it!" LOL It's always wonderful to know that when you have to leave your children, especially such a new little one, they're in caring arms :)
On Wednesday Emily's dad brought the most wonderful woman to meet both me and Emily. I had been told about Patricia before, but I don't think any amount of explanation would have prepared me for who she really was. She is AMAZING! Strong, very opinionated, doesn't hesitate to speak her mind, wonderfully open minded, and just overall one of the most amazing woman I've ever met. Emily is very lucky to know her, as am I :)

Nothing seems to be as exciting of a first for a mom to watch a dad do, as.... change his first diaper. Emily's dad has always been excited to try anything and everything offered - before changing his first diaper I wanted to wait for her cord to fall off. Well, today was the day since it fell off that morning! I have never seen a father change his first diaper so tenderly, it was heart melting! Such comfort he gave with one arm, while tenderly wiping with the baby wipe in the other hand. To make matters even more fun for him, as he finished with one diaper and placed the other in place, she went to the bathroom again, LOL. He didn't cringe or wither, just went back to cleaning Emily back up all over again. AWW!!

Emily's dad went on to learn how to put an outfit on her also, he did GREAT!! Unfortunately the few pictures I took didn't turn out, but this was the end result:
As Jennifer went to leave, I asked where Emily's outfit went. The green one, one that she wore for the first time today.....

As pointed out above, Emily lost her cord Wednesday morning! Tuesday night it was being held on by a string, well come morning time it was off. What a cutie. There is still some drying up left to do of it, which should happen in the next couple of days.
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